This article describes how to import data from SuperPuTTY.
For that you'll need to:
- export the data from SuperPuTTY through 'File > Export Sessions',
- convert the data into an SSH config file (see below),
- import the resulted file into Termius.
Convert from SuperPuTTY
Before running the script provided below, replace .\Desktop\SessionsSuperPutty.XML
in it with the location of the file created by SuperPuTTY.
Windows PowerShell
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
[xml]$content = Get-Content .\Desktop\SessionsSuperPutty.XML
$content.ArrayOfSessionData.SessionData | %{
'Host {0}' -f $_.SessionName
' Port {0}' -f $_.Port
' User {0}' -f $_.Username
' Hostname {0}' -f $_.Host
If you're having difficulty importing data, please, contact us.
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