Tags provide an additional way, besides groups, to arrange your hosts.

For example, you may wish to tag all Ubuntu servers, or servers belonging to a particular client if you are a freelancer, or virtual servers versus dedicated servers. Keep in mind that multiple tags can be used. A descriptive set of tags should make it much simpler to search through a large list of hosts.

Tags are displayed next to hostnames on the Hosts screen.

Add a tag to a host

  1. Right click the host and choose Edit.
  2. In the Tags field, type a tag or choose one from the suggestions.
  3. Click âž” at the top right to hide the host details.
  1. Begin editing the host.
  2. In the Tags field, type in one or more tags, separated by space characters. Alternatively, tap   〉 and choose one or more tags from suggestions.
  3. Save the changes.
  1. Begin editing the host.
  2. In the Tags field, type in one or more tags, separated by space characters. Alternatively, tap the tag icon and choose one or more suggestions.
  3. Save the changes.

Remove a tag from a host

To remove a tag from a host, click ✕ next to it.


To remove a tag from a host, tap ✕ next to the tag.


To remove a tag from a host, tap the tag.


Important: When you a remove a tag from a host, it remains in your tag collection and appears in suggestions. To remove it from your tag collection and all hosts at once, see Remove a tag.

Filter hosts by a tag

  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Choose one of the following:
    • Click Tags and select one or more tags.
    • In the bar at the top, enter the name of the tag. Termius will search for hosts the details of which, including tags, match your search query.ezgif-1-e1ad1a3624.gif
  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Use the search option at the top. Termius will search for hosts the details of which, including tags, match your search query.

Edit a tag

You can edit a tag in all hosts, where it is applied, at once.

  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Click Tags and then the pencil icon next to the tag in question.
  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Begin editing a host where the tag in question is being used.
  3. Tap   〉next to Tags, swipe the tag to the left and tap Edit.
  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Begin editing a host where the tag in question is being used.
  3. Tap the tag icon, swipe to the left and tap the pencil icon next to the tag.

Remove a tag

  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Click Tags and then the trash can icon next to the tag in question.
  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Begin editing a host where the tag in question is being used.
  3. Tap   〉next to Tags, swipe the tag to the left and tap Delete.
  1. Open the Hosts screen.
  2. Begin editing any host where the tag is being used.
  3. Tap the tag icon, swipe to the left and tap the pencil icon next to the tag.

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