The SFTP functionality of Termius lets you securely

  • transfer files between the local and a remote host or two remote hosts,
  • manage files on the local and a remote host,
  • edit files on the local and a remote host.

The SFTP screen is divided into two panes, each of which shows files and directories stored on a selected host and provides options for manipulating them.


Important note about Termius in app stores

Accessing the local host is currently not possible using Termius downloaded from Mac App Store and Snap, unless you access the local host as if it was a remote host, i.e. through SSH, which requires a locally installed and enabled SSH server. It's not possible because Termius in these app stores is sandboxed, meaning it can't access your local drive. You can download a non-sandboxed version of the app for Mac / Linux from the website

Termius in Google Play and iOS App Store has limited access to your local drive – to the app's directory on iOS and the app's directory and certain other directories on Android.

Browse a host

These steps will allow you to select / access a host in one of the SFTP panes:

  1. Click  Button.png  or if there's an already selected host click its name.
  2. Click  Local.png or double-click a remote host to select the local or a remote host.

You can navigate to a directory by typing its path:

  1. Click the area at the top next to your current location.
  2. Type in the directory's path and press Enter.

To show a host's hidden files, choose Actions > Show hidden files.

When using an iPhone in the portrait mode, you can see only one SFTP pane. To see the second pane, use the toggle at the bottom right.


By default, both panes are set to the app's directory, 'Documents', on your local device.

To select a host in one of the panes, tap the currently selected host's name, which is displayed at the top left, and then the host you'd like to switch to.


To show hidden files, tap icon_gear.png then enable the 'Hidden files' toggle.

Termius for Android shows the contents of one SFTP pane at a time. To switch between the two panes, use the toggle at the top of the screen.


To select a host in a pane where another host is already selected, tap your current location at the top and then the host in question.


To show hidden files, tap then SFTP settings and enable Show hidden files.

Transfer files

  1. In the SFTP panes, select the hosts between which you'd like to transfer files.
  2. Navigate to the file that you'd like to transfer to the other host and then either drag it to the other pane, or right-click it and choose Copy to target directory.
  1. In the SFTP panes, select the hosts between which you'd like to transfer files.
  2. Navigate to the file that you'd like to transfer to the other host and then either drag it to the other pane, or swipe it to the left and tap Copy.IMG_0DC5773B02B8-1.jpeg
  3. The files you download to the local host can be found in the Files app. In the Files app, see Locations > On my iPhone (iPad) > Termius.
  1. In the SFTP panes, select the hosts between which you'd like to transfer files.
  2. Navigate to the file that you'd like to transfer to the other host and then then tap its icon, tap at the top right and choose Transfer to.
  3. Important: The app's directory ('Termius local') can only be accessed from Termius.

Manage files

Right-click an item or choose Actions to see the available options.


Swipe a file or directory to see the available options.


To create a directory, tap  icon.png.

Tap the icon of a file or directory, then to see the available options.

To create a directory, tap and then New Dir.


Edit files

To start editing a remote file, right-click it and click Open or Open with.


The Open command will:

  1. download the file to a temporary directory,
  2. open it using the app associated with that file's type,
  3. if you agree, auto-upload the file once it has been modified.

Open with, unlike Open, lets you choose an app for opening the file and additionally remember your choice, that is create a file type association.


These file type associations apply to files that will be opened in Termius.

In Preferences > SFTP, they can be adjusted.

Termius for iOS does not yet provide any file editing options.

Termius for Android allows editing remote files only.

To edit a remote file tap its icon, then tap  at the top right and Edit.

You'll be asked to choose a CLI app that is installed on the host. The file will be opened in that app.


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  • Simon Hagemann

    Is there no ability to move files within a host? E.g. move a file via drag&drop into a folder (same host)

    Simon Hagemann
  • Dmitry Machulo

    Hi Simon, that functionality has not been implemented yet.

    Dmitry Machulo
  • Brian S.

    does SFTP respect host chaining (proxyjump) to the host?

    Brian S.
  • Dmitry Machulo

    Hi, Brian. Yes, it should. I see that it does on my configuration.

    Dmitry Machulo
  • Axel Garcia

    Hi! I have troubles when I try to drag files from my local host to an another host server, it only says "upload failed". I had not had this problem before. I already logout and log in again from my account and is still not working. Any support on this?

    Axel Garcia
  • okan arslan

    I wanna copy private keys to my local notebook but ıt shows this error 

    okan arslan
  • Dmitry Machulo

    Hi, Axel. If the problem persists, please, get in touch with our support team.

    Dmitry Machulo
  • Dmitry Machulo

    Hi, Okan. You need to click Local at the top right. This will open your local drive in the right-hand pane - unless you downloaded Termius from App Store. Termius in App Store is sandboxed, so it can't access your local drive. You can download a non-sandboxed version of Termius here:

    Dmitry Machulo
  • Ziyang Shen

    Hi, I have a problem that, I can connect to my saved hosts, but I can't open local directory. Everytime I tried to click the local button, it simply jumped back to the connection interface. This means that it's impossible for me to drag my local file to my server. Any suggestions pls, thanks very much!

    BTW, my system is Win10, I installed the Windows version, not the Microsoft Store version.

    Ziyang Shen
  • Steve Cliff

    I really like this feature, but unlike the main Terminal screens, I can't find a way to make the text in the two panes bigger. Is that possible please without changing monitor resolution etc. ?
    NB. I'm on Mac with a non-retina external screen and do not want to go away from native resolution as it's too blurry :)

    Steve Cliff
  • Godfrey Kapinga

    Hi, this is a very helpful feature. It would be even better if you could add a way to save sftp profiles i.e save the states of host-pairs and the last directory/folder path used.

    So instead of select the host every time I click sftp, I can just browser the host-pairs (click labeled names) and they will automatically be populated on each window with their last folder paths.

    Godfrey Kapinga
  • Thiên Anh

    how can i find the setting for auto-upload? thank you.

    Thiên Anh
  • D Bolduc

    As suggestion, If it could be possible to run the Snippet when we Open an SFTP server file. I don't want to click around or have to enter the path manually. It could be really helpful 

    D Bolduc

    I am currently utilizing the SFTP features in macOS, and I would like to suggest the addition of one more action: "Reveal in Finder." I believe this would enhance user-friendliness and ease of use. Please consider this suggestion.

  • thistle

    It is not clear how to stop an active file transfer.

  • Ali Raza

    Promotional travel mugs Hi! I have troubles when I try to drag files from my local host to an another host server, it only says "upload failed". I had not had this problem before. I already logout and log in again from my account and is still not working. Any support on this?

    Ali Raza