5.10.1 - 2025/01/28
- 🛠️ Fixed Enterprise SSO login with Azure
- 🛠️ Other stability improvements
5.10.0 - 2024/11/08
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with keeping the focus in the terminal on iPhones when you use the hardware keyboard
- 🛠️ Fixed an occasional crash when you are connecting with Mosh
- 🛠️ Other stability improvements
5.9.5 - 2024/10/03
🛠️ Stability improvements.
5.9.4 - 2024/09/25
- ✨ Six new terminal themes were introduced: Kanagawa Wave, Kanagawa Dragon, Kanagawa Lotus, Hacker Blue, Hacker Green, and Hacker Red
- 🛠️ Stability improvements
5.9.3 - 2024/09/16
🛠️ Improved the app stability and performance on iOS 18.
5.9.2 - 2024/09/03
🛠️ Stability improvements
5.9.0 - 2024/08/26
- ✨ Two new terminal themes were introduced: Everforest Dark and Everforest Light.
- 🛠️ Fixed crash while connecting from Quick Connect.
- 🛠️ Fixed the default port issue when using the Telnet protocol.
- 🛠️ Dropped support of iOS 15.
5.8.7 - 2024/08/07
- ✨ Updated existing fonts to support Nerd Font v3. Here is the list of nerd fonts in the application: FiraCode, JetBrainsMono, Meslo, Sorce Code Pro, Sorce Code Pro Medium, DejaVu Sans Mono, Ubuntu Mono, Cascadia Code.
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with SSH connections when one-time code authentication is requested before the password authentication.
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug with snippet execution in multiple active terminals.
- 🛠️ Stability fixes and improvements.
5.8.6 - 2024/07/29
🛠️ Stability improvements.
5.8.5 - 2024/07/16
- ✨ Three new terminal themes were introduced: Night Owl, Light Owl, Aura.
- ✨ AI in the terminal is now free for users with an account.
- 🛠️ Other stability improvements.
5.8.4 - 2024/07/01
🛠️We improved the arrow key gestures in the terminal - long-press the terminal or the spacebar to activate arrows.
5.8.3 - 2024/06/20
🛠️ Stability improvements.
5.8.2- 2024/06/17
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with applying autocomplete settings to the current active session.
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with not showing the password autocomplete if it was initiated from a snippet.
- 🛠️ Stability improvements.
5.8.1- 2024/05/28
- ✨ Three new terminal themes were introduced: Rosé Pine, Rosé Pine Moon, Rosé Pine Dawn.
- 🛠️ Stability improvements.
5.8.0 - 2024/05/20
- ✨ We have added the ability to preview files in SFTP on remote servers, including playing audio and video content.
- ✨ Active port forwarding rules are now shown in the Live Activity.
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with key export to a host with a host chain.
- 🛠️ Other stability improvements.
5.7.0 - 2024/05/03
- ✨ The iPhone terminal has a new look. Every element on the interface reflects the selected terminal color theme.
- ✨ New keyboard add-on in terminal on iPhone with quick access to additional keyboard, Snippets, shell history, and appearance.
- ✨ Added gestures to arrow key support: press and hold your finger down on the terminal, then move it around.
- ✨ Enhanced text selection in the terminal: press, hold, and lift your finger to select text.
- ✨ Added password suggestions in autocomplete.
- ✨ Enhanced login and registration screens.
- ✨ Introduced three new terminal themes: Cobalt2, Octocat Dark, and Octocat Light.
- 🛠️ Fixed groups navigation toolbar on the Snippets screen.
- 🛠️ Fixed the Run button on the Snippets picker screen.
- 🛠️ Fixed snippets execution with quotes in a script.
5.6.1- 2024/04/16
- ✨ We have added the ability to preview local files in SFTP, including playing audio and video content. Now, there is no need to switch between the apps to preview downloaded files.
- ✨ Introduced four new terminal themes: Ayu Dark, Ayu Light, Cyberpunk, and Cyberpunk Scarlet.
- ✨ Active connections are now shown in the Live Activity.
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug related to reconnecting to a host with a host chain.
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug related to running snippets from Shortcuts
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug with history items deletion.
- ✨ Other stability improvements.
5.6.0- 2024/03/13
- ✨ Added support for connections with FIDO2-based SSH keys
- ✨ Added the ability to generate FIDO2-based SSH keys
5.5.1 - 2024/03/09
- ✨ Introduced three new terminal themes: Aubergine, Romania Day, Romania Night
- ✨ Other stability improvements
5.5.0 - 2024/02/29
- ✨ Improved Snippets search in the side panel in the terminal
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug when not all active sessions were listed when you long-pressed a host
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug with missing progress animation when connecting to MOSH hosts
- ✨ Other stability improvements
5.4.0 - 2024/02/22
- ✨ Improved functionality of gestures in the terminal: now the trigger frequency is tied to the cursor speed (Settings -> Cursor speed)
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug when the app couldn't connect to some servers, resulting in the 'end of file' error right after an attempt to start an SSH session
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug when a user couldn't activate the host selection after hiding the terminal window
- ✨ Other stability improvements
5.3.1 - 2024/02/14
- 🛠️Enhanced the app stability for iOS/iPadOS 17.4 beta versions.
5.3.0 - 2024/02/02
- ✨ Introducing AI in the terminal on iPhone: Type what you want to do and get a command to make it for you.
- ✨ Three new terminal themes were introduced: Peach Fresh, 1984 Dark, and 1984 Light.
- ✨ Enhanced cursor speed in the terminal for a smoother experience.
- 🛠️ Resolved an issue related to focus in the terminal when switching between apps.
- 🛠️ Fixed a problem with alphabetical sorting on the Snippets screen.
5.2.1 - 2024/01/18
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug with the SSH keys handling when connecting to a host from History.
- 🛠️ Fixed a bug related to tag creation.
- 🛠️ Fix a bug when touches in the terminal didn't work in Nano.
- ✨ Other stability improvements
5.2.0 - 2023/12/22
✨ Added Keyboard Add-on with quick access keys. Control its visibility in the Keyboard Add-on tab on the side panel by toggling the "Show keyboard add-on" setting.
✨ Improved the application start stability
✨ Other stability improvements
5.1.0 - 2023/12/07
✨ Introduced four new terminal themes: Winter Night, Winter Day, Tokyo Night, and Tokyo Day
✨ Added support for serial connection with USB-C Redpark cables
🛠️ Fixed sound duplication of key press on the keyboard in the terminal
🛠️ Fixed issue with size calculating of the side panel in the terminal on iOS 15
5.0.0 - 2023/11/27
✨ Team Vault: a new way to share data with the team. Now, in addition to host groups and snippets sharing, your team can share keys, identities, port forwarding rules, and known hosts. Working in a team is now much easier, thanks to Vaults.
✨ The terminal on iPad got a new look where every element on the interface reflects the selected terminal color theme.
✨ New side panel in terminal on iPad with quick access to additional keyboard, Snippets, shell history, and appearance.
✨ Added gestures to arrow key support: press and hold your finger down on the space key, then move it around.
✨ Introduced four new terminal themes: Catppuccin Latte, Catppuccin Mocha, Diwali, Movember.
✨ Improved stability related to the app start.
4.26.5 - 2023/11/03
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue where email and password fields were not cleared upon navigating to a different screen.
4.26.4 - 2023/11/02
- 🛠️ Fixed a crash when using Google SSO multiple times.
4.26.3 - 2023/11/02
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with the application start.
4.26.1 - 2023/10/19
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue with weak passwords not being restricted on the registration screen.
- 🛠️ UI and stability improvements.
4.26.0 - 2023/10/16
- ✨ Introduced four new terminal themes: Atom One Dark, Atom One Light, Halloween, and Dia De Muertos.
- 🛠️ Fixed layout issue with search bar when cancel button is pressed.
- 🛠️ Fixed the dismissing of Host/Group Edit when the search is active.
- 🛠️ Fixed issue with tags input on the Edit Host screen.
4.25.1 - 2023/10/05
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue where the monthly subscription price was displayed incorrectly.
4.25.0 - 2023/09/20
- 🛠️ Fixed an issue when the Recaptcha visual challenge was not loading in some cases.
4.24.0 - 2023/10/02
✨ Added global color scheme sync.
- 🛠️ Stability improvements.
4.23.0 - 2023/09/18
- ✨ Introduced six new terminal themes: Gruvbox Dark, Gruvbox Light, Material Dark, Material Light, Manhattan, Plastic World
- 🛠️ Application launch time has been optimized
4.22.0 - 2023/09/05
- Application launch time has been optimized.
- Other stability improvements.
4.21.1 - 2023/08/10
- Fixed a bug that blocked the app in rare cases after the Pro trial expiration.
4.21.0 - 2023/08/07
- Terminal color schemes' improvements
- Fixed a bug that stopped the app from starting on some devices
4.20.0 - 2023/07/24
- Fixed saving of the sorting order on the "Hosts" screen
- Dropped support of iOS 14
4.19.0 - 2023/07/10
- Fixed an issue with the keyboard in stage manager on iPadOS
- Fixed an issue when a Serial Connection button on iPhones was missing if there were no active connections
4.18.0 - 2023/06/22
- Added ability to edit the Credentials Sharing mode for Hosts and Groups - this update will be required for you if you start using Team Vaults in the Termius Desktop app
- Fixed incorrect size of preview when using the context menu on Hosts and Snippets screens
4.17.0 - 2023/06/06
- Fixed a bug when targets could not be removed from a snippet
- Fixed a few 2FA-related bugs
- Other stability improvements
4.16.0 - 2023/05/12
- Stability improvements
- Fixed occasional app crashes during host duplication
4.15.0 - 2023/05/02
Improvements to user experience on iPhone. Control buttons have been relocated to the bottom of the screen for a smoother experience.
4.14.3 - 2023/04/14
Fixed a bug when passwords and private keys were not updated
4.14.2 - 2023/04/12
- Fixed the disappearing of the snippet button from the keyboard add-on
- Fixed a bug when background sessions were closed incorrectly
- Fixed a bug with the search field disappearing on the History screen
- Other UI and stability improvements
4.14.1 - 2023/03/27
- FaceID/TouchID unlock is now free for everyone 🎉
- Fixed software keyboard backspace key autorepeat
- Fixed opening of the Terminal screen in multi-window mode on the iPad
- Fixed a bug with the sync of biometric keys when you had them set up on several devices
- Fixed a bug with cursor repositioning when long-dragging the space on the keyboard
4.14.0 - 2023/03/09
Terminal Autocomplete is now free.
- Less typing on mobile, more autocomplete in the terminal for everyone!
Password Paste in the terminal is also free now.
- Running a command with sudo and it asks for a password, there is no longer a need to type it manually if it’s saved in the host - click one button on the keyboard and no longer feel the pain
- Fixed a bug when you couldn't connect via SFTP from the Files app
- Improved the account screen
- UI and stability improvements
4.13.9 - 2023/02/20
- Added support for connections with FIDO2-based keys. iOS/iPadOS app can only connect with FIDO2 keys, Desktop app can generate and import such keys.
- Improved performance of the Hosts screen.
- Fixed the bug with serial connections.
- Fixed app crash when you switch from Snippets to Commands history in the terminal.
- Other stability improvements.
4.13.8 - 2023/01/25
Fixed a bug when some users were asked to provide feedback about the app too frequently.
4.13.7 - 2022/12/22
Enhanced the SFTP manager in the app.
4.13.6 - 2022/12/08
Fixed ctrl + underscore shortcut when software keyboard is used.
4.13.5 - 2022/12/02
Fixed issue with the status bar in Terminal on iPhone 14 / 14 Pro / 14 Pro Max.
4.13.4 - 2022/11/22
Added a setting to choose an alternative connection process in case of connection issues while using VPN.
4.13.3 - 2022/11/17
- Fixed issues with in-app feedback.
4.13.2 - 2022/11/11
- Minor improvements and better stability.
4.13.0 - 2022/10/15
- Fixed issues with pasting in the terminal.
4.12.0 - 2022/09/26
- Key import improvements: now you can add an SSH key directly from the Files app.
4.11.10 - 2022/09/14
- Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Port knocking is no longer supported.
4.11.9 - 2022/08/29
- UI and stability improvements.
4.11.8 - 2022/08/10
- Stability improvements to data storage.
4.11.7 - 2022/08/06
- Stability improvements to data storage.
4.11.6 - 2022/08/02
- SSH certificates. Now a Pro user can attach an OpenSSH certificate to a key and use it for authentication.
- Fixed some UI and UX shortcomings.
4.11.5 - 2022/07/26
- A new 'Devices' section shows your devices with account access and allows you to remotely sign out from a device.
- UI and stability improvements.
4.11.4 - 2022/06/30
- Stability improvements.
4.11.3 - 2022/06/29
- Enterprise SSO. Termius supports more than 30 identity providers.
- Fixed an issue with scrolling in the terminal when an alternate screen buffer is being used.
4.11.2 - 2022/06/16
- Mouse/trackpad support in the terminal.
- UI bug fixes and improvements.
4.11.1 - 2022/05/25
- Snippet Packages allows organizing snippets into one-level groups to put the same type of snippets in one place and simplify snippet management in general.
- SFTP and Tabs are free now.
- Fixed SFTP integration with Files.
4.11.0 - 2022/05/02
- Fixed issues with focus in the multi-window mode
- Mapped Esc to Cmd + .
- Fixed shortcuts that were broken on non-QWERTY keyboard layouts
- Fixed the Alt + Backspace shortcut
4.10.9 - 2022/04/18
- Fixed an issue with mapping Backspace to CTRL + H.
- Fixed a crash occurring when establishing a port forwarding connection with a host chain.
4.10.8 - 2022/04/11
- Improved support for hardware keyboards in the terminal.
- Fixed an incorrect order of running snippets on Windows.
- Fixed incorrect inheritance of proxy settings from a group.
4.10.7 - 2022/03/28
- Host chaining setting in groups for easier management of infrastructure involving advanced security. It’s now possible to specify a host chain consisting of jump or bastion host servers for many hosts at once – by specifying it in the group containing the hosts.
- Fixed the Select / Copy controls.
4.10.6 - 2022/03/11
- Stability improvements.
4.10.5 - 2022/02/23
- Fixed an issue with detaching a SEP key from a host or group.
4.10.4 - 2022/02/21
- Added new terminal color schemes: Dracula, Nord Light, Nord Dark, and Monokai.
- Added more fonts: Meslo (nerd font), JetBrains Mono (nerd font), Fira Code (nerd font), and Cascadia Code.
- Teams can now confirm members' access to shared data from within the app.
- Stability and security improvements.
4.10.3 - 2022/02/10
- When sharing data, teams can now choose to share credentials or not to share credentials, or to share access using MultiKey.
- Added global ReCaptcha support.
4.10.2 - 2022/01/26
- Fixed an issue with hardware keyboard handling.
- Fixed an issue causing the terminal to hang after exit.
4.10.1 - 2022/01/24
- Improved sign-up process.
- Security and stability improvements.
- This is the last version to support iOS 13.
4.10.0 - 2022/01/10
- Stability improvements.
4.9.10 - 2021/12/30
- Fixed freezing that would occur when the terminal was closed.
4.9.9 - 2021/12/13
- Added key auto-repeat for letters.
- Fixed the 'more' button in keyboard-interactive prompts with long messages.
4.9.8 - 2021/12/06
- Stability improvements.
4.9.7 - 2021/11/29
- Fix for the disappearing tabs issue.
4.9.6 - 2021/11/15
- Added support for TOTP as a second authentication factor.
- Fixed startup snippet execution on hosts running Windows.
4.9.5 - 2021/11/02
- Support for serial connections on devices with a Lightning port.
- Performance and stability improvements.
4.9.4 - 2021/10/28
- Stability improvements.
4.9.3 - 2021/10/20
- Added single sign-on via Apple ID and Google account.
- Team editors can now share and unshare groups (like team admins can).
4.9.2 - 2021/10/06
- Added verbose connection logs to troubleshoot connection errors.
- Now you can see if your teammates are also using Termius at the moment.
- Got the app ready for iOS 15.
- Added an ability to duplicate a host.
4.9.1 - 2021/09/06
- Provided team owners with an option to require 2FA on their teams' accounts.
- Fixed an issue with executing snippets using Siri Shortcuts.
- Fixed the 'Connect to a host' shortcut not appearing in the Shortcuts app when the host alias is empty.
- Fixed the option allowing sharing files using Termius (via SFTP).
- Fixed local host discovery feature.
4.9.0 - 2021/08/23
Fix the connection issue when using hostchain.
4.8.10 - 2021/08/20
- Added MultiKey – a secure way of sharing access to your team's servers.
- Minor improvements.
4.8.8 - 2021/08/09
- Added automatic removal of whitespaces before and after the host name during a connection.
4.8.7 - 2021/07/26
- Stability improvements.
4.8.6 - 2021/07/12
- Implemented security improvements - added invisible Google ReCaptcha for signup forms to prevent brute-force of user's passwords.
4.8.5 - 2021/06/25
- Snippet sharing. Now team owners and editors can share their snippets with the whole team.
- Issue with terminal opening after establishing a connection.
4.8.3 - 2021/06/14
- Enabled repetition of the backspace command when the corresponding key is being pressed on the software keyboard.
4.8.1 - 2021/05/31
Added / changed:
- Enabled multiple windows usage for iPads.
- Added an option to save company details.
- Added an option to change bind-address for Dynamic PF rule.
- Issue causing a lost connection when the Run Snippet screen is closed.
4.8.0 - 2021/05/17
- Improved Drag'n'Drop function on SFTP and Hosts screens.
- Solved the problem with application freezing on the SFTP screen.
4.7.9 - 2021/05/04
- 'Clone' renamed to 'Duplicate' in the terminal's tab menu.
- Enabled displaying multiple subscriptions on the Settings and Account screens.
- Improved stability of autocompletion.
- Enabled repetition for delete and backspace commands when holding the corresponding keys on the custom keyboard.
- Handling @ and # symbols on AZERTY keyboard.
4.7.8 - 2021/04/19
- Enabled password autofill in the password popup window during connection.
- Crashes after a log-out when there's an active host chain session.
4.7.7 - 2021/04/06
- Improved layout on iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro.
- A rare crash when Terminal is open.
4.7.6 - 2021/04/05
- Improved stability.
4.7.5 - 2021/03/22
- Dropped the iOS 12 support.
- Termius for Teams trial enabled for users with the Premium subscription.
4.7.4 - 2021/03/08
- Yellow stripe blocking the additional keyboard.
- Crashes due to opening non-HTTP/HTTPS URLs from the browser in the terminal.
4.7.3 - 2021/02/22
- Improved 'Help & Feedback' section for more convenient user interaction with the Termius team.
- Improved app performance on the Keychain screen
- App crashes when no passphrase is provided for an encrypted Putty key.
- App crashes when all snippets are deleted.
- Problem with the appearance of navigation bar when the device is being rotated.
- PIC code input duplication.
- Yellow stripe preventing the usage of additional keyboard.
4.7.2 - 2021/01/29
- Crash when the CMD+M shortcut is used on an external keyboard.
- Crash when one connects from the Terminals screen.
- Crash when the SFTP extension is being used
4.7.1 - 2021/01/27
- Stability issues on the Hosts screen.
4.7.10 - 2021/01/25
- Issue affecting the synchronization of host data.
- Format handling of YubiKey token via NFC scanner.
- Issues with terminal color themes.
4.6.11 - 2021/01/07
- Team members can save their own credentials for shared hosts and groups.
- A new Editor role for teams: editors can add, edit, and delete hosts inside shared groups.
4.6.10 - 2020/12/14
- Duplication of Terminal tabs after pressing Cmd + N to open a new window.
4.6.9 - 2020/12/03
Added / changed:
- Improved hardware keyboard support for Shift+Alt combinations.
- Handling of YubiKey token via NFC scanner.
- Issue causing inactive sessions to display as active.
- Issue causing inability to focus on Termius in the split view mode.
4.6.8 - 2020/10/28
- Support for Full Keyboard Access.
- Issues related to iOS 14.
- Crashes on the Export Key screen.
4.6.7 - 2020/08/27
- App crashes when you try to create a snippet with the default target.
4.6.6 - 2020/08/19
- Stability improvements.
4.6.5 - 2020/07/29
- Stability improvements.
- Deep links handling.
- Warning notifications about pasteboard usage.
4.6.4 - 2020/07/14
- Significantly reduced size of the app.
- Stability improvements.
4.6.2 - 2020/06/10
- Stability improvements.
- The default port for HTTP proxy is 3128.
4.6.1 - 2020/06/01
- Stability improvements.
- The terminal bell sound respects the system volume level.
- Issue with a filtered list of hosts.
4.6.0 - 2020/05/06
- Termius for Teams: ability to share host chains.
- The home indicator is hidden, when in the terminal.
4.5.7 - 2020/04/30
- Stability improvements.
4.5.6 - 2020/03/26
- Trials for the Teams' plan.
4.5.5 - 2020/03/18
- Support for SEP keys: ability to generate a private key using iOS Keychain, store this key inside SEP and use it for SSH authentication.
- GitHub Teachers Toolbox support.
- Ability to auto-hide tabs and keyboard add-on in the terminal.
- Preview of the app (displayed when the app is in the background) has been blurred to prevent screenshots of the sensitive information.
- CTRL button state doesn't reset when the volume button is remapped to Ctrl.
4.5.4 - 2020/02/18
- HTTP Cookies Storage moved to the iOS Keychain for better security.
4.5.3 - 2020/01/28
- Splash screen is shown only the very first launch.
- Support pages.
- Lowercase input with the software keyboard in the terminal when Caps Lock is remapped.
- The Try Again button on the SFTP screen when presented from the terminal.
- Typos on the background sessions screen.
4.5.2 - 2019/12/23
- Synchronization improvements.
- Failed launch on iOS 10.
4.5.1 - 2019/12/11
- Better support for background sessions.
- Text files are no longer associated with Termius.
- Improved stability of synchronisation.
4.5.0 - 2019/11/13
- Background work available to non-premium users.
4.4.8 - 2019/10/24
Added / changed:
- Data sharing for teams.
- Ability to select multiple items with a two-finger pan gesture.
- More stable synchronisation.
4.4.7 - 2019/10/02
- Pin code verification.
4.4.6 - 2019/09/29
- Incorrect PIN code validation.
4.4.5 - 2019/09/28
Added / changed:
- Full support of iOS 13, including context menus and the floating keyboard features.
- Drag and drop to the Hosts screen on iPhones.
- Stability improvements.
4.4.4 - 2019/09/14
- One extra character copied in Terminal (for SSH).
- Drag and drop to the Hosts screen on iPhones.
- Stability issues.
4.4.3 - 2019/09/03
- Stability improvements.
- Chinese (Simplified) - Pinyin input.
4.4.2 - 2019/08/29
- Ability to remap Caps Lock.
- Hotkeys for F1-F10.
- Bind address for local port forwarding.
4.4.1 - 2019/08/12
Added / changed:
- A "Use Option as Meta key" option.
- Internal bugs fixes and improvements.
- Extra characters appearing when you copy from the terminal.
- App crashes when you run a snippet on multiple targets.
4.4.0 - 2019/07/24
Added / changed:
- Port knocking.
- New black color theme.
- Updated and improved UI.
4.3.12 - 2019/07/08
- Improvements to stability.
- Known hosts not saved when you use SFTP.
4.3.11 - 2019/06/20
- Improvements to synchronisation stability.
- Crashes when connecting from the History screen.
4.3.10 - 2019/06/11
- Stability improvements.
- Colors on the feedback screen when in the Dark mode.
4.3.9 - 2019/06/05
- Improved hardware keyboard handling.
- Caps Lock and Esc broken in the terminal.
- Freezes when opening the terminal / switching to the app from the background.
- Saving a private key from the Import screen.
- Multiline copy in a Mosh session.
4.3.8 - 2019/05/16
Added / changed:
- Improvements to hardware keyboard support.
- Port forwarding now works with host chaining and proxy.
- App crashes when you connect to 'localhost'.
- Public key export via clipboard.
4.3.7 - 2019/05/07
- Stability improvements.
4.3.6 - 2019/04/30
- SSH Agent Forwarding.
4.3.5 - 2019/04/29
- Crashes during file copy in SFTP.
- Fixed session disconnecting process.
- Other stability issues.
4.3.4 - 2019/04/24
Added / changed:
- Handling of Shift + Tab in the terminal.
- Improvements to Autocomplete and its stability.
- Hardware keyboards with non-QWERTY layouts not handled correctly.
- IPv6 connectivity issues when you use a hostname.
- Stability issues.
4.3.3 - 2019/04/02
- Problem with key repeat in the terminal.
- Handling of right shift/alt/cmd buttons on hardware keyboard.
- Connecting via SFTP for hosts with proxy and chain hosts configuration.
- Stability issues related to Autocomplete.
- Terminal rendering on iPads.
4.3.2 - 2019/03/15
Added / changed:
- Key repeat for English letters and numbers in the terminal.
- Improvements to Autocomplete.
- Public key export script.
- Additional keyboard when used with a hardware keyboard.
4.3.1 - 2019/02/01
- Stability issues.
4.3.0 - 2019/01/30
- Yubikey support for SSH/SFTP sessions.
4.2.2 - 2018/12/22
- Current plan title.
4.2.1 - 2018/12/19
Added / changed:
- Termius for Teams.
- Support for restoring a subscription, when the user is logged in.
- Autocomplete.
- Siri shortcuts integration (removal of hosts/snippets associated with Siri shortcuts).
4.2.0 - 2018/12/03
- Support for host chains (jump hosts).
- Text selection and drag and drop in the terminal.
- Drag and drop in the SFTP manager.
Improvements to user experience on iPhone. Control buttons have been relocated to the bottom of the screen for a smoother experience. Flappy Bird
This app repeatedly fails to log in to the data center switch. I have to try many times before I can log in. I don’t know why, but this problem does not exist on the computer.
When this app logs in to some data center switches, it will not be able to log in for the first time, and it will take many attempts before it can log in. For some unknown reason, this problem does not exist on the computer side. “ F4-C3-VSU-CORE-1>
% Unknown command”——“ 13:33
% Unknown command.
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Branded tote bags Thanks for the update on the app's performance improvements! It's great to see continuous enhancements, especially with the new themes and features like AI integration. For anyone interested in more diverse content