With the help of an intent, an Android app developer can open Termius from within his or her app and auto-fill details for a new host entry. It is possible to auto-fill the following details: connection type – SSH or telnet, username, hostname, port and password.
To open Termius and auto-fill connecting details, you will need to:
- create an intent,
- set intent action,
- add intent data to URI,
- start intent.
The intent given below as example passes the following connecting details: SSH as connection type, 'root' as username, '' as hostname, '22' as port.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri uri = Uri.parse("ssh://root@");
To pass a password, use the putExtra method (on an additional line):
intent.putExtra("com.serverauditor.password", "pass");
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